Quality policy
As a leading service provider and benchmark in the translation sector for companies and organisations, ATLS has implemented a quality management system in line with the ISO 9001 standard to guarantee, maintain, and improve the level of service we provide to our clients.
We believe that our clients remain faithful to ATLS because we give them added value: we help them become multilingual by providing fast and reliable translations of documents in any language.
Our quality system is based on the following key areas:
- We are focused on providing an integral service to our clients with our translation services. We provide value to our clients, the highest level of quality, and a constant commitment to their needs and expectations. To achieve this we carry out, revise, and deliver translations of any documentation our clients need in the shortest possible timescale.
- We offer the people working for us - and with us - the opportunity to take part in a stable and secure project with training opportunities, all of which comes with the ATLS guarantee. Our employees and collaborators are always kept up-to-date thanks to our staff's skill in managing process risks through our organisational environment.
- Going beyond simply complying with legal requirements or meeting our clients' needs is part of our mission: continual improvement and innovation are the principles that underpin our organisation. In this vein the company's quality objectives are set out on an annual basis, as part of our Management Review.
- We aspire to be leaders and standard setters in language solutions, both in terms of our innovative solutions and service quality, and for incorporating improvements based on any suggestions put forward, for example, by our clients.
- The policy is reported on our website and to all company staff, and is reviewed annually in the framework of our Management Review.
Stéphane Magnard
Signed on 20 December 2023