Legal notice
In compliance with Act 34/2002, of 11 June, on Information Society and E-commerce Services (LSSI-CE), ATLS Global, SL informs you that it is the owner of the website www.atls-global.com. In accordance with the requirement of Article 10 of said Act, ATLS Global, SL hereby confirms the following information:
The owner of this website is ATLS Global, SL, with CIF (Tax ID Number) B62026430 and registered office at Vía Augusta 13-15, Office 203, 08006 BARCELONA, registered in the Companies Register, in Volume 31959, Sheet 136, Page B2025548, 1st entry. The company's contact email address is [email protected].
User and liability regime
The browsing, access, and use of the website of ATLS Global, SL confers the condition of user. As a result, by browsing said website, users accept all the terms of use established herein, notwithstanding the application of any corresponding regulations that are legally enforceable, where relevant.
The ATLS Global, SL website provides a wide range of information, services, and data. The user assumes liability in the correct use of the website. This liability covers:
- The truthfulness and legality of information detailed by the user in the forms provided by ATLS Global, SL for accessing certain content and services offered on the website.
- Any use of information, services, and data offered by ATLS Global, SL that goes against these terms, the law, morality, proper conduct or public order, or which in any other way entails the infringement of third-party rights or the working of the website itself.
Link policy and liability exemptions
ATLS Global, SL is not responsible for the content of websites that the user may access through links on its website, and hereby states that in no case will it examine or exercise any type of control on content from other websites. Likewise, it does not guarantee the technical availability, precision, veracity, validity or legality of websites that it does not own, and which can be accessed through links.
ATLS Global, SL declares that it has adopted all the necessary measures to avoid any damage to its website's users that may arise from browsing said website. Consequently, ATLS Global, SL is not liable for any potential damage caused to users as a result of web browsing.
ATLS Global, SL reserves the right to make any changes it deems relevant to its online content without prior notification. This applies both to the website's content and to the terms of use thereof, as well as to the general contract conditions. Said changes can be made on the website through any legally acceptable method, and must be adhered to throughout the time that they are published on the website, until they are validly modified by any subsequent changes.
Online contracting services
Certain content on the ATLS Global, SL website includes the ability to contract a service online. The use of such content requires the user to read and accept the general terms and conditions of the contract established for this purpose by ATLS Global, SL.
Data protection
In accordance with the provisions of Personal Data Protection regulations in force, we hereby inform you that your information will be incorporated into the processing system owned by ATLS Global, SL, with CIF (Tax ID Code) B62026430, and registered address at Via Augusta 13-15, Office 203, 08006 BARCELONA, in order to facilitate, expedite and comply with the commitments established between both parties. In compliance with regulations in force, ATLS Global, SL will keep the data for the period that is strictly necessary to meet the above-mentioned purposes.
Unless you state otherwise, we will understand that your data has not been changed, that you agree to notify us of any change and that we have your consent to use it for purposes established above.
ATLS Global, SL informs you that it will process the data in a lawful, fair, transparent, appropriate, relevant, limited, precise and up-to-date way. For this reason, ATLS Global, SL agrees to adopt all reasonable measures for such data to be deleted or corrected without delay if it is inaccurate.
In accordance with the rights conferred by the applicable personal data protection laws, your can exercise your rights of access, rectification, data processing limitations, deletion, portability and objection with respect to your personal data, as well as the consent provided for the processing thereof, by addressing your request to the address above, or to the email address [email protected].
You can also contact the competent supervisory authority to file any claim you consider appropriate.
SSL certificate (Secure Sockets Layer)
The SSL CERTIFICATE provides authentication, privacy and information security between ATLS Global, SL and the user.
ATLS Global, SL has a security certificate used via an SSL CERTIFICATE, in order to ensure secure connections.
Various parameters are established to achieve the secure connection. This is established using pre-established keys and by coding and decoding all data sent until the connection is closed.
Intellectual and industrial property
ATLS Global, SL, on its own account and as a grantee company, holds the intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as all elements contained therein (including images, sound, audio, video, software and text; brands or logos,
colour combinations, structure and design, the selection of materials used, computer programs needed for performance, access and use, etc.), owned by ATLS Global, SL. As a result, these will constitute works protected as intellectual property by the Spanish legal system, whereby both Spanish and EU-wide regulations will be applicable in this field, as well as related international treaties that Spain has entered into.
All rights reserved. By virtue of the provisions of the Intellectual Property Act, it is expressly prohibited to reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate the content of this website, in whole or in part, including the way in which it is made available, for commercial purposes, in any format and through any technical medium, without the authorisation of ATLS Global, SL.
The user agrees to respect the intellectual and industrial property rights of ATLS Global, SL. The user can view the elements and print them, copy them and store them on his/her hard drive, or on any other physical support, whenever it is solely and exclusively for his/her personal and private use. The user must abstain from removing, altering, avoiding, or manipulating any protection device or security system installed on the web pages of ATLS Global, SL.
Legal actions, applicable legislation and jurisdiction
ATLS GLOBAL, SL also reserves the right to pursue civil or criminal proceedings that it considers relevant for the improper use of its website and content, or for breaching these terms.
The relationship between the user and the provider will be governed by the current laws applicable on Spanish territory. In the event of any dispute, the parties can subject this to arbitration or to ordinary jurisdiction, complying with regulations on jurisdiction and competence in this regard. ATLS Global, SL has its registered address in BARCELONA, Spain.